Spice House

Spice House

Foodies know where to find the best foodie places. We sniff them out like bloodhounds picking up a scent. Our radar is always up and on the lookout for another great find. In Chicago, one such place is  The Spice House on Wells Street in the Old Town neighborhood. It...
“Chef Chase” Nachos

“Chef Chase” Nachos

When I was in college at the University of Illinois in Champaign-Urbana I worked as a line cook at a restaurant called Coslow’s. It was a typical college hangout with tall dark brown booths, local artwork, and bentwood chairs paired with wobbly tables, a folded...
Bitter Queen

Bitter Queen

I got this recipe right off my phone’s Food & Wine Cocktails App and decided to give it a try. I wanted something sweet, but not cloyingly so. I also wanted it to be tart. I thought the orange juice and the Campari would balance out the sweetness of the...
Meyer Lemon Marmalade

Meyer Lemon Marmalade

Over the holidays, my husband, two sons and I traveled to Florida to see my family. My parents have a small Meyer lemon tree in their yard and they graciously donated all the lemons from the tree (about 10 or so) for this recipe. Because of the limited quantity, I...
Review: “Blood, Bones & Butter”

Review: “Blood, Bones & Butter”

By Gabrielle Hamilton. I read this book in October 2012. Reading this book happened completely by chance. I didn’t hear or read any book reviews or see any interviews on GMA. I just perused the shelves at the library and plucked this one off the shelf out of...