Best Friend Bread

Best Friend Bread

My best friend gave me this bread recipe years ago. It is a very “earthy” bread with a crunchy outer crust and a soft, spongy center. You can add in whatever ingredients you’d like while keeping the basic dough portion (water, flour, yeast and...
Summer Vacation 2012 – Day Three & Four: Duluth MN

Summer Vacation 2012 – Day Three & Four: Duluth MN

Due to the storms the previous night, the next morning is clear and sunny. They are serving breakfast on the front porch and it smells as if it’s something we do not want to miss. We were right! We start out with homemade jam and scones (they had me at...
Moosewood’s Eggplant Parmesan

Moosewood’s Eggplant Parmesan

Eggplant Parmesan is one of my favorite vegetarian dishes. And my adapted version from my 1977 heavily dog-eared edition of The Moosewood Cookbook is one of my tried & true stock recipes. This is pure comfort food to me. I’m glad to share it with you now. 2...
My Awesomely Versatile Cookie Recipe

My Awesomely Versatile Cookie Recipe

My Awesomely Versatile Cookie Recipe (adapted from “Neiman Marcus Cookies”) Yield: 4-5 dozen 3″ cookies/3-4 dozen 4″ cookies Many years ago, I got the ubiquitous email that was going around for the Neiman Marcus cookie recipe. You remember the...
Summer Vacation 2012 – Our Dinner in Stillwater

Summer Vacation 2012 – Our Dinner in Stillwater

We decide to stay at a bed & breakfast for this night, our second night of vacation. The place is called William Sauntry MansionĀ and it was quite grand with lots of rich woodwork and Victorian details. We check in and unpack our stuff in the Madam La Fuergy room...